Sunday, May 11, 2008

Picking up, moving on.

Sometimes your life just gets away with you. As someone endeavoring to pursue creative, er, endeavors, you might think I am a fickle creature of whimsy that rides ethereal currents of inspiration as flowers bloom where I poo.

As a wee'un, that's how I assumed the life of creative professionals must be. This whole blog project is an attempt to get my chops back for an altogether different process, that of actual ongoing creative production. The key aspects of this, for me, seem to be stability and routine. In this case, not having to spend time job hunting and actively seeking assignments provided me with an excellent opportunity to start working on this rather ambitious blog, humble in these infant stages though it may be.

Writing about everything one eats one day after the fact is more challenging than you might think, than I originally thought it would be when I started. I mean, I eat a lot, and I have some sort of obligation to make this at least moderately entertaining if I'm bothering to invite you, the reader, to come along.

Also, in a very real lesson to myself on the practicality of daily journalism, I found out how small problems tend to snowball when you let production lapse. As I worked to get back on schedule, I was still eating things. As I tried to get through a very food heavy weekend, I found that I was eating myself into a hole from which I wasn't likely to escape. The things I have eaten and have not written about are to the point that things will be lost. I'm sure the course of human history will march on unscathed, and so must this blog. Before I get too overwhelmed trying to explain to you my exploits on my birthday or on a visit to an Old Country Buffet, let me start again fresh, from yesterday...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am still waiting your description of old country buffet which is my favorite restaurant to go to when we get out to dayton ok thanks bye