One banana and one yogurt cup, your standard yoplait mixed berry pre-mixed yogurt, not some froufrou parfait. How much should this cost? Well, it should come in under $2, even in Manhattan. Maybe being irate about spending $2.67 for a banana and some yogurt seems to be over-reacting to you. Well, i shall continue to be indignant, as the banana was price gouged up to almost 400% the street price. Going rate for bananas on the street is $0.25 per. You can get them cheaper by the pound at a grocer, but even in the Upper East Side this quarter standard seems to hold true. $1.69 for a yoplait yogurt cup, obnoxious, but only by about 200%. I think you feel my ire now too. Let's go protest the caf'.
Lunch was free because my mother gave it to me. Granted, this was about a month ago, so I really should factor in the cost of refrigeration over that month and the potential risk cost of hospital time for food poisoning from eating month-old cabbage rolls, but undaunted I dove into one of my favorite lunches of late, cabbage rolls and frozen French fries. When making the fries in a microwave soaking in the cabbage roll juice they reach this magical place somewhere between mashed potatoes and fresh carrots. It's enough to induce run-on sentences.
Later that evening I had a pity dog with a friend. This is your standard hot dog, here from Gray's Papaya in the Village, bought and given to someone out of pity. I was buying because she'd just been notified that the record label she was working for was terminating her position in order to open a new position with different qualifications she wasn't qualified for. She had hers with sauerkraut, I had the same but with mustard also. They were great and cost less than my breakfast.
And at the very end of a gigantic day, about to pass out from dragging myself home from a midnight screening of Tokyo Gore Police, I just couldn't resist the lure of my local Chuchifritos, all deep-fried, all the time. They were out of their papas relenas, so I opted for an empanada. The extra wide edges of fried dough on this joint's empanadas are perfect for the late night "i shouldn't be eating this" meal. They are also great for breakfast.
And if you are upset that I didn't have any pictures for today, you can sink your teeth into this:
1 comment:
I don't see how you can trash All college dining commons. I know you have experienced some that let you experience infinite gluttony for your money.
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