Tuesday, August 12, 2008

the turning tides of monday

bacon, leaving fat
mushrooms and spinach take it
eggs, bleu cheese, om'let

an embrace of lips
somehow describes this parcel
chocolate, foil, flag

a year past the date
Campbell's chicken and stars soup
Here's hoping I live

Stolen, well, kind of
from a dish of "free" choc'late
milky way dark, twix

ah, soft-baked oatmeal
too large to be just a snack
mini-meal of my heart

sandwich as present
half a cuban, left over

someone else's gift
sweet edible souvenir
peanuts and brittle

a bowl of white rice
meditative, simple, pure
pepper topped finish

tastes of future food
stolen fresh from the hearth's heat
nicked from cutting boards

bottles of water
bottles and bottles of water
cold, warm, tepid, chugged

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